About me in five language facts

Get to know more about me in five language facts:

  1. I come from the north of England and have a northern accent which might sound different to the British English accents you might have heard in the past. I love regional accents and I think they add character and variety to any language.

  2. I have been living in Switzerland since 2011 and speak German in my daily life - I am still working on my German and Swiss German and am very much still a language student.

  3. Living abroad inspired me to become a language teacher. Switzerland is a multilingual country and my city in particular is extremely multicultural. I am surrounded my language and culture and it’s hard not be be inspired and impressed by that.

  4. My current personal language passion is Japanese - I am very much beginner getting to grips with Hiragana, Katakana and basic vocabulary. However during a recent trip to Tokyo I was able to ask some basic questions and converse with some locals - there is nothing quite like being able to speak to someone in their mother tongue.

  5. Most recently I have been mostly working with students from Japan and Taiwan but in my 10 years of teaching I have worked with students from over 40 countries and multiple language background. It’s such a privilege to be able to help people achieve their goals and watch their confidence grow.

Thanks for reading! What are some language facts about you?!


Motivation Monday